Most Powerful Open Source ERP

ERP5 installation

  • Last Update:2013-02-21
  • Version:001
  • Language:en
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I have tried to install ERP5 on my local machine which has CentOS 6. I have trying to create a new ERP site using the instructions given in  but I have not been successful in creating the same. 

Is it really required to create a SlapOS node and then install ERP5 on top of it, to make it work?

Please advise.



From: Unknown User


I have tried to install ERP5 on my local machine which has CentOS 6. I have trying to create a new ERP site using the instructions given in  but I have not been successful in creating the same. 

Is it really required to create a SlapOS node and then install ERP5 on top of it, to make it work?

Please advise.




Yes, it is strongly advised to use SlapOS to deploy any ERP5 nowadays.

Could you describe your problem?



From: Unknown User


I have tried to install ERP5 on my local machine which has CentOS 6. I have trying to create a new ERP site using the instructions given in  but I have not been successful in creating the same. 

Is it really required to create a SlapOS node and then install ERP5 on top of it, to make it work?

Please advise.



Adding to what cedric said: If you only want to try ERP5 or learn how to use ERP5, we have a virtual machine: It is explained in theis course:

I might be asking some basic questions but I am not able to understand the reason of linking SlapOS to ERP5. As per your site "SlapOS is a decentralized Cloud Computing technology. It can automate the deployment and configuration of applications in a heterogeneous environment.". 

What if I have a company who does not require a cloud computing solution?  

The error which I am getting is as follows -

Site Error

An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
Error Type: BrokenModified
Error Value: Can't change broken objects

Troubleshooting Suggestions
  • The URL may be incorrect.
  • The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.
  • A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error.
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the error log.
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience.

From: Unknown User
I might be asking some basic questions but I am not able to understand the reason of linking SlapOS to ERP5. As per your site "SlapOS is a decentralized Cloud Computing technology. It can automate the deployment and configuration of applications in a heterogeneous environment.". 

What if I have a company who does not require a cloud computing solution?  

The error which I am getting is as follows -

Site Error

An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
Error Type: BrokenModified
Error Value: Can't change broken objects

Troubleshooting Suggestions
  • The URL may be incorrect.
  • The parameters passed to this resource may be incorrect.
  • A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error.
For more detailed information about the error, please refer to the error log.
If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience.


using SlapOS doesn't mean that ERP5 has to run in the cloud. I have ERP5 installed on my Laptop with SlapOS as many others. You have to consider that ERP5 is a huge OpenSource System which builds upon dozens if not hundreds of independet other OpenSource projects. To assemble all this into a single system, compile it with each falvor and each version of each Operating System is a task where SlapOS excells and makes it much easier for big cloud environments as well as for personal computers or on site server installations. I agree, that there is a step to learn how it works and this is only in your favour as you need to think about a viable distribution mechanism for any serious business application implementation sooner or later anyway.


Klaus Wölfel

Thanks for the response and I have two queries on this response. I would appreciate if you can answer both of them. 

1) Does this mean that SlapOS is the only way to install the ERP5 system and are you indicating that I am not allowed to install it through RPM. If that is the decision, then, I will definitely again try to install it through SlapOS. Please advise. If installing through RPM is allowed then , I would like some guidance on overcoming the error which I have faced earlier

2) Also, if I have to install ERP5 using SlapOS, is there a document which you can share which indicates the steps to install ERP5 after installing SlapOS node. I have seen a document which tells about installing the SlapOS node at  but that does not tell me the method of installing ERP5

From: Unknown User

Thanks for the response and I have two queries on this response. I would appreciate if you can answer both of them. 

1) Does this mean that SlapOS is the only way to install the ERP5 system and are you indicating that I am not allowed to install it through RPM. If that is the decision, then, I will definitely again try to install it through SlapOS. Please advise. If installing through RPM is allowed then , I would like some guidance on overcoming the error which I have faced earlier

2) Also, if I have to install ERP5 using SlapOS, is there a document which you can share which indicates the steps to install ERP5 after installing SlapOS node. I have seen a document which tells about installing the SlapOS node at  but that does not tell me the method of installing ERP5


1) Since ERP5 is entierly open source, you are of course allowed to install and us it how ever you wish as long as you respect the GPL. On the other hand, we can only help you, if you use the same methods as we use: Virtual Machine or SlapOs.2) You can use this document

 2) To install the software release, you can use the tutorial developer-Installing.KVM.Software.Release and select "ERP5" Version "slapos-0.117" instead of KVM. It will take several hours to compile. After you installed it, you have to make sure that you are logged in in ERP5, then you use the link on to install the ERP5 Instance. If you are logged in in slapos, slapos will automatically find your computer where you installed the software release "ERP5 slapos-0.117"and install the software instance.

Kind Regards,

 Klaus Wölfel

From: Klaus Wölfel
From: Unknown User

Thanks for the response and I have two queries on this response. I would appreciate if you can answer both of them. 

1) Does this mean that SlapOS is the only way to install the ERP5 system and are you indicating that I am not allowed to install it through RPM. If that is the decision, then, I will definitely again try to install it through SlapOS. Please advise. If installing through RPM is allowed then , I would like some guidance on overcoming the error which I have faced earlier

2) Also, if I have to install ERP5 using SlapOS, is there a document which you can share which indicates the steps to install ERP5 after installing SlapOS node. I have seen a document which tells about installing the SlapOS node at  but that does not tell me the method of installing ERP5


1) Since ERP5 is entierly open source, you are of course allowed to install and us it how ever you wish as long as you respect the GPL. On the other hand, we can only help you, if you use the same methods as we use: Virtual Machine or SlapOs.2) You can use this document

 2) To install the software release, you can use the tutorial developer-Installing.KVM.Software.Release and select "ERP5" Version "slapos-0.117" instead of KVM. It will take several hours to compile. After you installed it, you have to make sure that you are logged in in ERP5 SlapOS, then you use the link on to install the ERP5 Instance. If you are logged in in slapos, slapos will automatically find your computer where you installed the software release "ERP5 slapos-0.117"and install the software instance.

Kind Regards,

 Klaus Wölfel

Thanks for the response. I will try this options and I will get back to you with the results.




I was trying to install SlapOS node and I get the following error when I run slapos-test to check the configuration

Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node report' command does not seem right
Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node instance' command does not seem right
Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node software' command does not seem right
Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node format' command does not seem right

Can you please tell me the reason for the same?



From: Unknown User


I was trying to install SlapOS node and I get the following error when I run slapos-test to check the configuration

Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node report' command does not seem right
Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node instance' command does not seem right
Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node software' command does not seem right
Checking slapos-node cron file: - ERROR - Your line for 'slapos node format' command does not seem right

Can you please tell me the reason for the same?



Hello Sachin,

Could you show us the content of /etc/cron.d/slapos-node? There is a chance that this comes from old slapos version which works - but which isn't able to self-introspect its configuration. So there is a chance that everything works but that the tool for checking doesn't work well. :)


The contents are given below



# Run "Installation/Destruction of Software Releases" and "Deploy/Start/Stop Partitions" once per minute
* * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node software --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node instance --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-instance.log > /dev/null 2>&1

# Run "Destroy Partitions to be destroyed" once per hour
0 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node report --maximal_delay=3600 --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-report.log > /dev/null 2>&1

# Run "Check/add IPs and so on" once per hour
0 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node format >> /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-format.log 2>&1

# Make sure we have only good network routes if we use VPN
* * * * * root if [ -f /etc/opt/slapos/openvpn-needed  ]; then ifconfig tapVPN | grep "Scope:Global" > /dev/null ;if [ $? = 0 ]; then ROUTES=$(ip -6 r l | grep default | awk '{print $5}'); for GW in $ROUTES ; do if [ ! $GW = tapVPN ]; then /sbin/ip -6 route del default dev $GW > /dev/null 2>&1;fi ;done ;fi ;fi

Hello - Please find the details below



# Run "Installation/Destruction of Software Releases" and "Deploy/Start/Stop Partitions" once per minute
* * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node software --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node instance --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-instance.log > /dev/null 2>&1

# Run "Destroy Partitions to be destroyed" once per hour
0 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node report --maximal_delay=3600 --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-report.log > /dev/null 2>&1

# Run "Check/add IPs and so on" once per hour
0 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node format >> /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-format.log 2>&1

# Make sure we have only good network routes if we use VPN
* * * * * root if [ -f /etc/opt/slapos/openvpn-needed  ]; then ifconfig tapVPN | grep "Scope:Global" > /dev/null ;if [ $? = 0 ]; then ROUTES=$(ip -6 r l | grep default | awk '{print $5}'); for GW in $ROUTES ; do if [ ! $GW = tapVPN ]; then /sbin/ip -6 route del default dev $GW > /dev/null 2>&1;fi ;done ;fi ;fi

From: Unknown User

Hello - Please find the details below



# Run "Installation/Destruction of Software Releases" and "Deploy/Start/Stop Partitions" once per minute
* * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node software --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log > /dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node instance --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-instance.log > /dev/null 2>&1

# Run "Destroy Partitions to be destroyed" once per hour
0 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node report --maximal_delay=3600 --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-report.log > /dev/null 2>&1

# Run "Check/add IPs and so on" once per hour
0 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapos node format >> /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-format.log 2>&1

# Make sure we have only good network routes if we use VPN
* * * * * root if [ -f /etc/opt/slapos/openvpn-needed  ]; then ifconfig tapVPN | grep "Scope:Global" > /dev/null ;if [ $? = 0 ]; then ROUTES=$(ip -6 r l | grep default | awk '{print $5}'); for GW in $ROUTES ; do if [ ! $GW = tapVPN ]; then /sbin/ip -6 route del default dev $GW > /dev/null 2>&1;fi ;done ;fi ;fi

Everything seems to be okay.

Indeed, after a change in the configuration, even in latest version, the slapos-test tool is not able to find that this is okay. So just ignore those 4 lines of error.

I'll update this tool now in the development version. 

Thanks for the information. I will move forward with the next steps and report back problems, if any.

Hi - I tried the next step given in the document which was

/etc/init.d/slapos-node restart

I got the response as

-bash: /etc/init.d/slapos-node: No such file or directory

I then tried out

systemctl restart slapos-node.service

Which also did not work

The next step which I tried was

/opt/slapos/bin/slapformat --now /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg

This did not give me any error

I then tried the following

"To install the software release, you can use the tutorial developer-Installing.KVM.Software.Release and select "ERP5" Version "slapos-0.117" instead of KVM. It will take several hours to compile. After you installed it, you have to make sure that you are logged in in ERP5, then you use the link on to install the ERP5 Instance. If you are logged in in slapos, slapos will automatically find your computer where you installed the software release "ERP5 slapos-0.117"and install the software instance.

Kind Regards,

Klaus Wölfel"

There was some error due to which I tried to destroy the [Experimental]ERP5. Unfortunately, it still shows,

"Destruction requested" as the state but when I try to again install the [Experimental]ERP5, I am not able to

install the same. Can someone guide me? Am i following the correct steps? Please advise.




First step: installing the ERP5 "Software".

In -> my space -> my servers -> your server -> Install New Software -> erp5 -> erp5 0.117

Then, your machine will compile (or download from our cache if available) everything needed to host erp5. You can follow what is happening in, depending of the slapos version, /opt/slapos/slapos-node-software.log or /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log. It can take several hours! After some time, the log should loop in a 2-lines log like "Installing Software Releases / Finished installing": it's done. If you see repeating errors, something is wrong. :)

Second step: click on the link above (request erp5 instance) that you pasted here, then wait 10 minutes, and it should be ready.

Hope it helps,


Hi,  I had done the first step as suggested by you which is : installing the ERP5 "Software".

In -> my space -> my servers -> your server -> Install New Software -> erp5 -> erp5 0.117

I could not see any progress and hence I deleted the same. I am now getting this message marked in yellow below and although I am trying to install this again, I am not able to do it. Can you please tell me the reason for the same?

Computer Title
Computer Reference
Software Title
ERP5 Release (Slapos-0.117)
Software Version
Software URL
Destruction requested
Usage                       0   
From: Unknown User

Hi,  I had done the first step as suggested by you which is : installing the ERP5 "Software".

In -> my space -> my servers -> your server -> Install New Software -> erp5 -> erp5 0.117

I could not see any progress and hence I deleted the same. I am now getting this message marked in yellow below and although I am trying to install this again, I am not able to do it. Can you please tell me the reason for the same?

Computer Title
Computer Reference
Software Title
ERP5 Release (Slapos-0.117)
Software Version
Software URL
Destruction requested
Usage                       0   

As you see in the message: Destruction Requested. The message simply means that you deleted the software. As cedric wrote in his message above: When you install a software you can see the progress in the log filed /opt/slapos/slapos-node-software.log or /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log depending on your slapos version.

Hi - I have again started the install and I am getting the following messages in /opt/slapos/log/slapos-node-software.log. Is this normal?

013-02-20 21:20:01,614 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Processing software releases...
2013-02-20 21:20:05,558 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Finished software releases.
2013-02-20 21:21:01,881 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Processing software releases...
2013-02-20 21:21:03,974 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Finished software releases.
2013-02-20 21:22:01,328 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Processing software releases...
2013-02-20 21:22:03,092 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Finished software releases.
2013-02-20 21:23:01,437 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Processing software releases...
2013-02-20 21:23:03,039 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Finished software releases.
2013-02-20 21:24:01,380 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Processing software releases...
2013-02-20 21:24:02,746 SoftwareReleases  : INFO     Finished software releases.