Most Powerful Open Source ERP

Re: ERP5 installation

  • Last Update:2013-02-15
  • Version:001
  • Language:en
Document Reference
Re: ERP5 installation
Publication Information
From: Unknown User

Thanks for the response and I have two queries on this response. I would appreciate if you can answer both of them. 

1) Does this mean that SlapOS is the only way to install the ERP5 system and are you indicating that I am not allowed to install it through RPM. If that is the decision, then, I will definitely again try to install it through SlapOS. Please advise. If installing through RPM is allowed then , I would like some guidance on overcoming the error which I have faced earlier

2) Also, if I have to install ERP5 using SlapOS, is there a document which you can share which indicates the steps to install ERP5 after installing SlapOS node. I have seen a document which tells about installing the SlapOS node at  but that does not tell me the method of installing ERP5


1) Since ERP5 is entierly open source, you are of course allowed to install and us it how ever you wish as long as you respect the GPL. On the other hand, we can only help you, if you use the same methods as we use: Virtual Machine or SlapOs.2) You can use this document

 2) To install the software release, you can use the tutorial developer-Installing.KVM.Software.Release and select "ERP5" Version "slapos-0.117" instead of KVM. It will take several hours to compile. After you installed it, you have to make sure that you are logged in in ERP5, then you use the link on to install the ERP5 Instance. If you are logged in in slapos, slapos will automatically find your computer where you installed the software release "ERP5 slapos-0.117"and install the software instance.

Kind Regards,

 Klaus Wölfel