Most Powerful Open Source ERP

Re: ERP5 installation

  • Last Update:2013-02-15
  • Version:001
  • Language:en
Document Reference
Re: ERP5 installation
Publication Information
From: Unknown User
I might be asking some basic questions but I am not able to understand the reason of linking SlapOS to ERP5. As per your site "SlapOS is a decentralized Cloud Computing technology. It can automate the deployment and configuration of applications in a heterogeneous environment.". 

What if I have a company who does not require a cloud computing solution?  

The error which I am getting is as follows -

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  • A resource that this resource relies on may be encountering an error.
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If the error persists please contact the site maintainer. Thank you for your patience.


using SlapOS doesn't mean that ERP5 has to run in the cloud. I have ERP5 installed on my Laptop with SlapOS as many others. You have to consider that ERP5 is a huge OpenSource System which builds upon dozens if not hundreds of independet other OpenSource projects. To assemble all this into a single system, compile it with each falvor and each version of each Operating System is a task where SlapOS excells and makes it much easier for big cloud environments as well as for personal computers or on site server installations. I agree, that there is a step to learn how it works and this is only in your favour as you need to think about a viable distribution mechanism for any serious business application implementation sooner or later anyway.


Klaus Wölfel