Most Powerful Open Source ERP

Re: ERP5 installation

  • Last Update:2013-02-15
  • Version:001
  • Language:en
Document Reference
Re: ERP5 installation
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Thanks for the response and I have two queries on this response. I would appreciate if you can answer both of them. 

1) Does this mean that SlapOS is the only way to install the ERP5 system and are you indicating that I am not allowed to install it through RPM. If that is the decision, then, I will definitely again try to install it through SlapOS. Please advise. If installing through RPM is allowed then , I would like some guidance on overcoming the error which I have faced earlier

2) Also, if I have to install ERP5 using SlapOS, is there a document which you can share which indicates the steps to install ERP5 after installing SlapOS node. I have seen a document which tells about installing the SlapOS node at  but that does not tell me the method of installing ERP5