The growing importance of Artificial Intelligence in medical and healthcare industry is raising concerns about possible market excess that could lead to the end of hypocratic oath as we know it today. Just like Free Software which could efficiently regulate the software industry at the end of the 90s and reduce the risk posed by monopolies, Free Big Data will play a key role in efficiently regulating the medical Artificial Intelligence market and create the conditions for Free Artificial Intelligence that can reach every human being on earth.
The first presentation, Free Big Data for Free AI in the context of International Medical Innovation, demonstrated how the Wendelin IA project and platform jointly developed with INRIA, Telecom ParisTech and Abilian can contribute the Free Big Data movement.
The second presentation, Teralab: AI Infrastructure for Research, provides a summary of a human and technical success story of public policy in the field of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence that was initiated by Institut Mines Telecom. Nexedi could contribute to this success story through the SlapOS edge computing and cloud orchestration system.