Rapid.Space is different. It is Hyper Open, which brings portability, reliability, security, reversibility, trust, sovereignty and trade secret.
Rapid.Space ensures global delivery of services (including in China). It protects trade secret of its customers thanks to Zero Knowledge technology.
It is fully reversible (customers can quit Rapid.Space easily) and it is open to all sorts of contributions or extensions of its open source technology.
Anyone can contribute to Rapid.Space their own service in addition to the 70+ existing ones.
Anyone can contribute servers and datacenter to extend the worldwide coverage of Rapid.Space, as long as Rapid.Space procedures are respected.
Rapid.Space can be deployed on-premise too in a way that is typical of hybrid cloud.
It is also possible for one to operate a completely private infrastructure based on Rapid.Space, as Teralab does.
It is even possible to deploy Rapid.Space services on third-party public or private clouds (AWS, OVH, Azure, Alicloud, Hertzner, Huawei, VMWare, etc.) and benefit from all Rapid.Space services including its IPv6 backbone, CDN, IaaS, PaaS, etc.
All costs of Rapid.Space are transparent and described in "Business Model of a Low Cost Cloud Operator". The price of Rapid.Space is based on electricity, real estate, hardware amortisation, networking, operation management costs (software, human), hardware maintenance, financial costs. A 20% margin is added to cover all other risks related to the operation of a cloud service.Basically, there is no blocker, no secret, no anti-competitive practice of any sort in Rapid.Space.
Overall, Rapid.Space price is 2 to 10 times lower than conventional public clouds.