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How can I know my Re6st neighbors of a Re6st-installed server 
  • Last Update:2022-09-14
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Q: How can I know my Re6st neighbors of a Re6st-installed server 

Since re6st uses openvpn to create tunnels, you can find the process simply by ps aux

$ ps aux | grep openvpn
root         815  0.0  0.0   7124  5308 ?        S    sept.12   0:01 openvpn --dev-type tap --dev re6stnet-tcp --persist-tun --persist-key --script-security 2 --up /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-client --tls-server --mode server --client-connect /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-server 11 --client-disconnect /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-server 11 --dh /var/lib/re6stnet/dh.pem --max-clients 21 --port 1194 --proto tcp-server --ping-exit 60 --socket-flags TCP_NODELAY --ca ca.crt --cert cert.crt --key cert.key --cipher none --ncp-disable
root       83358  0.0  0.0   7256  6004 ?        S    11:01   0:00 openvpn --dev-type tap --dev re6stnet7 --persist-tun --persist-key --script-security 2 --up /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-client --nobind --client --remote 1194 tcp --verify-x509-name 43/32 name --resolv-retry 0 --connect-retry-max 3 --tls-exit --remap-usr1 SIGTERM --ping-exit 60 --route-up /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-client 9 --socket-flags TCP_NODELAY --ca ca.crt --cert cert.crt --key cert.key --cipher none --ncp-disable
root       85044  0.0  0.0   7256  5712 ?        S    11:23   0:00 openvpn --dev-type tap --dev re6stnet2 --persist-tun --persist-key --script-security 2 --up /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-client --nobind --client --remote 1194 tcp --verify-x509-name 87/32 name --resolv-retry 0 --connect-retry-max 3 --tls-exit --remap-usr1 SIGTERM --ping-exit 60 --route-up /opt/re6st/eggs/re6stnet-0.583-py2.7.egg/re6st/ovpn-client 9 --socket-flags TCP_NODELAY --ca ca.crt --cert cert.crt --key cert.key --cipher none --ncp-disable
lu         85066  0.0  0.0  14676  2572 pts/1    S+   11:23   0:00 grep --color=auto openvpn


Here, re6stnet-tcp is used for others connecting to your server; re6stnet* (e.x. re6stnet7 and re6stnet2) is used for re6stnet client tunnels. You can already find the IPs and ports in the line.

Besides, if you don't want your server to be a client, you can simply modify the re6stnet.conf :

$ sudo vim /etc/re6stnet/re6stnet.conf

and add:

max-clients 0

In the configuration file. And restart the re6stnet:

$ systemctl restart re6stnet.service

To verify it, you can type ip l to check if the re6stnet-tcp interface is no longer there, meaning your server will not allow to be connected as a client.




if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
  then echo "Please run as root"

trap ctrl_c INT

function ctrl_c() {
    cat $TMP | sort | uniq -c
    rm -f $TMP

while true; do
    systemctl restart re6stnet;
    sleep 300;
    ps aux | grep openvpn | grep remote | sed 's/.*remote \([0-9\.]* [0-9]*\).*/\1/g' >> $TMP