ERP5 has been used for many mission critical projects in different business fields. Each story describes the business needs which have been solved using ERP5, the challenges being met and how Nexedi solved. Each story also described the lesson being learn. Below you can find links to some of the success cases them.
Coramy, a European leader of apparel industry and first user
of ERP5, was awarded best ERP implementation project in the special edition of Décision Informatique on June, 21st, 2004. A panel of 40 corporate managers, researchers
and journalists voted this award. They recognize the excellence of
ERP5 implementation as Open Source / Libre Software in a highly
mission critical manufacturing environment. ERP5 is an Enterprise Resource Planning Solution published under
Open Source / Libre Licenses. ERP5 main features include customer
relation management (CRM), production management (MRP),
supply chain management (SCM), product design management (PDM),
accounting, human resources and e-commerce. More can be found here.