Most Powerful Open Source ERP

Guideline Link Title Should Be Defined On Documentation Document Links

Required for certain templates.
  • Last Update:2017-04-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Link Title Should Be Defined On Documentation Document

Title attributes are technically not required and only marginally search engine relevant compared to alt attributes on images which are important. Still, it is good practice to put titles on links, even more so when creating content for exports/chapter views, where link titles will be used for the tables of applicable and referenced documents. At some point internal links should have a title set automatically so only titles on external documents have to be set by hand. But until then please put titles on links if you want to export a document later on.

Good Example:

<a title="ERP5 HowTo - Put Titles On Links" href="erp5-HowTo.Put.Title.On.Links">;Put titles on link</a>

Bad Examples:

<a href="erp5-HowTo.Put.Title.On.Links">Put titles on links</a>