Most Powerful Open Source ERP

MyNij Graph Search Traineeship

Summary of task for Graph Search traineeship for Preet Batth.
  • Last Update:2017-06-12
  • Version:01
  • Language:en

Graph Search

Facebook Graph Search Logo
  • "Wallet Garden Search"

This traineeship covers creating a client side search engine to search the facebook graph via an OfficeJS application. It teaches how to use RenderJS and jIO, develop a simple app using the Facebook Graph API and creating a JIO Facebook connector and index storage.

Task 1: Get A Webrunner

(Task) Screenshot Webrunner
  • Get a webrunner without ERP5.

Task 2: RenderJS/JIO Tutorial

(Task) TodoMVC Tutorial

The RenderJS/jIO tutorial should rebuild the application you can see on the TodoMVC site using RenderJS and jIO. Once done you should have a good understanding of both of our JS frameworks and how to use them.

Regarding basic HTML5 and JavaScript, we also have Javascript - The Good Parts, in case you need addtional information.

Task 3: Create Facebook Graph API RenderJS App

(Task) RenderJS Logo
  • Develop a standalone RenderJS app
  • It should show latest posts/list of friends using Facebook Graph Api
You are not using jIO yet, but to fetch content via Ajax, please use the jIO.util.ajax method, which wraps basic ajax requests into promises.

Task 4: Develop jIO Facebook API Storage

(Task) jIO Logo

The storage should function like any other storage, so when opening the text editor it should be possible to select the Facebook storage same way as localStorage and retrieve a list of objects in the same way as they are displayed in texteditor. Retrieve latest graph entries.

As you will be creating a jIO extension, please make sure you have read and installed the local JS development environment setting up Qunit for renderJS and jIO.

Task 5: Create index Storage

(Task) jIO Logo
  • Develop an index storage extension using elasticlunr
  • Create tests benchmarks for searching 100, 1000 and 1000000 documents